note :
word with italic and in purple like this
it is author's word or comment~
have fun with the first recap~ =)
Invincible Youth chapter 1 begins with...
the MC's broke into girls group dorm!!!
in KARA's dorm...
in the same time, at 4minute's dorm
Shinyoung : you look good with no make up
Hyuna : is it?~
Hyuna's face before and after make up~
Shin young : you want to make some morning muzik?
4minute performing their song Muzik with their sleeping clothes!~ XD
Shin young : [laughing]
at T-ara's dorm...
Huiseok : wake up. let's go. Hyomin~
Huiseok : Get up Hyomin!
Hyomin's face before and after make up~
at Secret's dorm...
Shin young : Their group is still new and I can't remember their faces.
Where is she?~
Shin young : you're Seonhwa right?
Seonhwa : yes~
*its actually Seonhwa, not Sunhwa~*
Shin young : why the foils on your window?
Seonhwa : [laughing]
Shin young : you need sunlight, girl!
Seonhwa : we're using it as curtain
Shin young : [laughing]
red square = foil on their window as curtain!
Shin young : a member of a girl group use foil as their curtain!
I mean, isn't foil for cooking?
At Brown Eyed Girls' dorm...
Huiseok : honey~ get up. we need to go.
Huiseok : get up now. we have to leave.
Narsha : dress like this?
Huiseok : go ahead if you want.
arrow = Narsha's star sleeping pants~
Narsha's face before and after make up
At Girls Generation's dorm...
Sunny already awake~
Shin young : Yuri! Yuri!
Sunny : she might have a nightmare!
Shin young : wait, Yuri! stay still! She's wearing make up!
Sunny : we started getting ready at 4.00am~
[Sunny touching Shin young's stomach]
Shin young : Don't touch! it's my ego!
In the bus...
it's an awkward silent among them
since they did not know among each other very well...yet!~
Sunny sit together with Yuri.
of course! their from the same group~
Hara cheer up the atmosphere by sharing her food with everyone
*that's very sweet f you, Hara~*
check out something!~
arrow = Yuri and Sunny fall asleep.
but Yuri sleep with her mouth open!
she smiles when she knows the camera get on her face.
this is more embarrassing than no makeup!~ XD
MC for the show
(from left) Huiseok, Shin young and Tae woo.
G7 arrival!
Location : Hongcheon, Gangwon Province.
walk to their house
a 50 year old house
with traditional kitchen and no modern devices.
Hara : where's the bathroom?
Huiseok : bathroom? there's one.
i'll tell you where.
you can go up there in the chili pepper field~
Yuri begs for the real bathroom.
then, Noh Joo Hyun comes~
the Idol-Town Chief state that G7 should follow rules made by him.
Idol town Rules~
1. Self-sufficiency
Joohyun : Yuri, tell me what self-sufficiency means~
Yuri : You provide yourself, without help from others.
You get things on your own.
Juhyeon : so, no food for people who don't work!~
arrow = Hara's face after heard what Juhyeon said~ XD
arrow = Hara's face after heard what Juhyeon said~ XD
Idol town Rules~
2. No cell phone!
Hyuna giving her cell phone
first meeting with Yuchi-ri's people...
*Yuchi-ri is the village name*
"It's harvest season. we don't have enough people to work on it.
we're having a hard time because we can't do fast enough."
-Yuchi-ri's President-
Then, the spontaneous talent show start...
all G7 show their talent to all villagers
Hara : you fell it? if you feel it, shake your booty~
Hara's butt dance.
but after that Shin young pull her aside!
Hyuna : take care of your health and let's live a long life together.
Shin young : oh that's cute! the youngest talks about long life!
she's only 18!
*Hyuna is the youngest among all G7*
seriously, Hyomin have a really good voice. she even the main vocalist for T-ara
and the waiting moment arrives~
*hahaha...hilarious Yuri comes~*
Yuri shows her legs dance while singing Genie~
Shin young : i say "Yu", you say "Chi-ri"
villagers : [silent]~
1. Harvest soy bean
2. Clean the chicken coop
Huiseok : four of you will be selected to complete the task.
and the other three will do the house core work.
the luckiest four that selected by Yuchi-ri's president is...
other three that failed to be selected...
Hyuna, Yuri and Hara
Joohyun : walk home!~
they quite upset since Joohyun ask them to walk home.
they get fresh dates form a villager there~
meanwhile, the task team..try to faced the reality~
President : if you can finish half of the field..~
Narsha : HALF?!
President : it's less than an acre~
Hyomin : Actually this is good for stress.
think of someone you hate and slash away!
crew : who's your least favourite?
crew : why?
Hyomin : he favors Yuri too much!
*is she jealous? hahahah~*
*hahahahhaah~* im sorry for laughing here~ XD
arrow = Shin young's face.
*she really hate chicken!* believe me!
Sunny : look at the poop. Shin young-unnie will hate this.
Unnie!!~ [showing the poop to Shin young]
Shin young : why it looks so seasoned?
Sunny : it's nice, fresh and warm~
Shin young : you have to give us a chicken!~
*refer to the villager*
villager : yes, take one~
Seonhwa : we will~
villager : yes, just take it.
Shin young : you mean, catch one?
villager : yes~
Sunny : unnie,
Shin young : huh?
Sunny : you have to move this.
*refer to a cart full with poop*
Shin young : you do it!
Sunny : you want to move this or else you need to catch the chicken?~
Shin young : i'll move the cart.
Sunny : if you want to catch the chicken, it's okay~
Shin young : all right, i'll move this.
Sunny : i can move the cart.
Shin young : i said i'm going to do it!~
move this first so i can get out from here.
*Sunny's plan succeed! hahahah~*
but then, she still need to catch the chicken~
Sunny : find one that flaps its wings well~
catch it! catch it! catch it!
arrow = Sunny's hand push Seonhwa to catch the chicken. she just yell "Catch it!" to Seonhwa~
arrow = Sunny's hand push Seonhwa to catch the chicken. she just yell "Catch it!" to Seonhwa~
*Sunny, you're so mean!~ hahahhaha*
Sunny : all right, fine. You can't catch chicken like that.
Sunny shows her talent to catch the chicken
*so easy!!~*
hot issue : the toilet's width!
Hara : don't make it too wide, my legs will hurt.
too much tension on my legs!~
Hara : you look good.
I think guys look HOT when they shovel.
*Tae woo in the middle to make a hole*
but after few moments, Tae woo come back and work on it again...
Yuri try to make him happy by singing Gee for him
joined by other two..
joined by other two..
Tae woo look at them~
and looks like he really enjoy it!
of course! he admire So Nyeo Shi Dae a lot~ especially Yuri!
back to the soy bean field.
the chicken coop team already complete their task, and they join to harvest the bean.
arrow = Huiseok look at Sunny's posture
and look at Sunny's posture when she harvest the beans!
Shin young : Sunny, are you posing for someone?
do you really have to do that here?
Sunny : [laughing] Shin young-unnie, posture is everything~
Shin young : stop acting pretty!
Sunny : I don't have to act~
Shin young posture!
*hahahahhaa~* she's freakingly hilarious!
after a few hours of work hard...
finally, they made it!!
they succeed in harvesting half of the field
they complete the task!!~
after that, the villagers give them something to eat.
sweet potatoes, corns, rice cakes...
Narsha : i'm thirsty!
red square = Narsha want to drink the water directly from the kettle.
Huisoeok saw it, and he pull the kettle.
and enjoying jokes by Shin always~ =)
imitating Ahn Eobeong~
back to the house core team...
Tae woo already bury a pot for the toilet~
looks like Yuri really like it...
arrow = Yuri start to try the toilet...
arrow = Hara also like it so much!~
Hara : do you cook at home?
Hyuna : i used to, but i can't lately
Hara : i've never cook cook at my dorm.
Yuri : you don't cook at your dorm?
Hara : i usually just sleep there.
Yuri : really?
Hara : we just eat milk and cereal
Yuri : that's why you're so skinny. poor you~
Yuri feels pity to Hara~
* cute~*
after few moments, the task member arrives..
Narsha : oh, she's run fast!
Shin young : she's going to beat Hara.
Hara heard someone calling her name.
then, she came out from the house.
arrow = look at Sunny's face after she tease everybody with her chicken.
*that's her evil smile~*
are we going to eat him?
so, what did you come here for?
the toilet is also done!~
while waiting the rice cook, they sit together and share their working moment...
red square = Hyuna show how to use shovel to make a hole~
Hyomin be the first to use the toilet~
they have a dinner after the rice cooked by Yuri is ready to eat.
they do not have enough food that night
but, seeing them sit together and have a dinner together really touch my heart
they really looks like one big happy family~
and having some fun with each other..
Shin young again imitate Ahn Eobeong
while then, Hara come up with something~
after finish the dinner, all the girls get some rest in the room.
red square =
Shin young : Hara, you already want to sleep?
Hara : no, my legs hurt.
at last, everybody do what Hara does~
Shin young : wait, this will reveal the length of my legs!~
Narsha, Yuri, Sunny, Shin Young, Hyomin, Hyuna, Hara and Sunhwa at the top.
*I almost left Sunny because i didn't see her. Shin young on her. she almost covering Sunny so i didn't see Sunny~*
poor Narsha~
on 9.00pm, Joohyun tell them that everybody can make a call
since they're cell phone are taken, Joohyun provide a telephone so they can make a call
they can call anybody they want
but only once~
if the person they try to call is not there, then no more call~
Hyuna : i miss you, mom~
"you're the pride of me and your father"
-Hyuna's mom-
Hara try make Hyuna calm.
but then
her face reaction change once she can't reach the person
Seonhwa : it's busy!!~
Huiseok : you should have just pretend, so that we wouldn't know~
Tae woo : no wonder, she's newbie~
*tae woo, that's right! she's just so innocent!*
while in the room, before Yuri come out to use the telephone...

arrow = Shin young pull Yuri's pants.
arrow = Shin young pull Yuri's pants.
*luckily it didn't goes down*
Yuri calling her friend...
Yuri's face reaction when no one answer her call.
Huiseok want to take the telephone from Yuri since nobody answer her call
and Yuri actually call Tiffany~
Tiffany : i've been waiting for your call.
Yuri : really? you miss me, don't you?
Tiffany : do i miss you?
[laughing] you found new friend there?
Yuri : yes, i did.
Tiffany : tell me who you don't like~
Yuri : [laughing] you're going to keep it?
Tiffany : hurmm...i'll bring the other girls too..~ [laughing]
Yuri crying as she thinks about the girls~
Yuri : [to my girls in Girls' Generation] I hope we will stay together for a long time.
I love you all~
*this scene seriously touch my heart. eventhough, when i'm watching the first episode,
i'm not a fan of so nyeo shi dae yet~ SNSD hwaiting!~*
"I wouldn't be loved by fans as much as I am now, if it were only me~"
so, please enjoy the recap.
i hope the readers like it.
for Malaysian readers, Invincible Youth air time is on Tuesday 6pm something to 7pm something.
i'm not really sure the exact time.
*too much to remember~ sorry everybody*
here is the link if you want to download for Invncible Youth episode 1 (English Subtitile)
this link will connect you to Pikeyenny's blog.
please, leave your comment once you download any files from there~
last but not least,
enjoy reading~
feel free to leave any comment here...